Writer, Illustrator, Laughter Yoga Teacher
& Peaceful Heart Life Coach (Coming Soon)
Laughter Yoga

What is Laughter Yoga?
Laughter Yoga is no joke! Seriously, it's not telling jokes, or being a comedian, or creating humor, laughter yoga is an exercise program where we simulate laughter to move into genuine laughter. It's aerobic. The more you laugh, the more you expel carbon dioxide and make room for more oxygen in your lungs. We do deep yogic breathing to calm our bodies. And we laugh some more. We create happy hormones (endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin) and release the stress hormone cortisol. It's backed up by loads of research.
Laughter yoga reconnects us with our childlike playfulness.
Five benefits of laughter yoga include:
1. It helps you through life challenges,
2. Boosts your mood,
3. Creates better health strengthening your heart and improving your immune system,
4. Increases oxygen in your lungs giving you more energy and making you more productive,
5. And, you make social connections when you laugh with others.
Laughter is an inside job, which means that we can access it any time or any place.
There are a handful of contraindications to doing Laughter Yoga:
A. Hernias could be worsened.
B. Recent heart or abdominal surgery
C. Pregnancy if previous history of miscarriage or in the last trimester.
If you aren't sure if it's safe for you, talk to your doctor before joining a laughter group.
Are you ready to lighten the mood in your workplace?
Do you want to help yourself and others improve their health and immune system naturally?
Would you like to improve your energy?
Do you just need to laugh?
If you said yes to any of these questions, let's connect and bring Laughter Yoga to your business, group, or organization. Contact me with questions or to schedule a session.