It has been ages since I wrote a blog post. I love sharing information about books that I enjoy, but I don't love writing posts. But, I sort of do like writing them. Quite the conundrum. I have spent way to much time trying t figure out how to share my thoughts quickly and then not actually putting anything into action.
I am a multi-passionate person who likes to be on the move. I don't enjoy reading long posts from others, but I love tidbits that spark my curiosity. So, this year, I want to try out sharing tidbits and then get on with life, adventure, creating, and spending time in nature.
This book was brought to my attention by Natasha Morris a literary agent. So glad I picked it up.
Opening Lines: As the robber left the cave, her stood on Bear's nose. Bear woke up.
"my honey! My salmon!, and my delicious beetle's eggs! said Bear. Gone!"
I'm a sucker for quirky friendships, humor (great comedic timing), factoids slipped into a fictional story, and lots of illustrations.
This one has it all. Sometimes friendships don't start out looking like friendships at all.
And . . . Poop humor based on facts.

I follow Matthew on social media. He shares so much art and heart. I love his art style and this book feels like it came together from so many bits and pieces of his life.
Opening Lines: Every autumn, cornbread worried he would not have enough food to get through winter. But he also loved to plan and prepare. It took a lot of planning to get through those long cold winter months.
Cornbread's best friend, Poppy was not one to worry.
Something I've learned about friendships is that the differences we have help to balance us out. Neither way is better than the other, but when we pull them together, they have a way of making each of us just that much more complex.
Here's a vide you can watch and draw with Matthew.
This simple counting board book is walks you through a city and introduces toddlers to numbers, holidays, and city life.
The collage illustrations by Melanie Hall are bright and cheering bringing the city to life.
I took an illustration class through Highlights Foundation and Melanie was one of the instructors. She makes you feel like anything is possible with your art. She is a bright and cheery as her art.
I like your sharing! Thanks for the recs! Rabbit & Bear sounds especially funny.